Reporter | Writer | Photographer


Time Out

January 5, 2024: The 13 best places to visit in Greece

July 17, 2023: The 12 best restaurants in Athens

June 29, 2023: The 14 best things to do in Athens right now


The Daily Beast

February 13, 2024: Greek Church Leads Hateful, Twisted Campaign Against Gay Marriage

February 23, 2023: Tourists Are Destroying Athens’ Most Beautiful Neighborhood

August 8, 2022: Greece Thinks Its Future Is Underwater

August 1, 2022: The Death of Her Three Daughters Became a Huge TV Tragedy—Now Mom Is Charged With Triple Homicide


The New York Times

January 12, 2023: 52 Places for Travelers to Visit in 2023: Methana, Greece



April 10, 2020: End of the Line for Handpainted Movie Posters?

January 21, 2020: The Secret Kink Meetings in Pandemic Istanbul



October 13, 2019: Inside the Greek Islands’ Unexpected Craft Beer Boom


Planeta Futuro / El País

March 14, 2020: En Turquía sí hay espacio para la moda hecha por refugiadas sirias

December 19, 2018: Cuando la homofobia pesa más que la guerra

May 24, 2018: Cuando eres el único alumno de tu escuela

June 21, 2017: Hope Refugees F.C., el equipo de fútbol de los refugiados en Atenas


ERT TV (Greece)

April 9, 2022: Στην Ελληνική αγορά της Κωνσταντινούπολης